Does Your Favourite Chair Need to Be Re-Upholstered?

All furniture eventually wears out due to constant use around the house. Sometimes, what happens is that your chair is the victim of an unfortunate accident; either from a toddler experimenting with something sticky, or a distant relative who couldn’t hold their liquor at a family get-together. It is infinitely more painful, when it turns out to be on your favourite chair. However your chair got defaced, throwing it out is not the answer.

There are other options available to remedy your chair conundrum, but the safest and most effective is re-upholstery. How do you know when your chair needs some TLC? Here are some tell-tale signs:

It’s old

If your chair has been in your family for generations, being handed down from one avid rugby watcher to another, chances are that it might be time to change the fabric. Re-upholstering adds years to your furniture. This is because not only do they change the covers, but also reinforce the frame and add to the padding. This restoration means everyone who loved the chair for various reasons, can continue to the sentiment of having it around.

However, it is important to work with an expert upholsterer, since they are best suited to help you maintain the individuality of the chair. They are also able to identify the chair upholstery fabric or covering that is closest to the original. This ensures the chair comes out revitalized and next to brand new.

Remove stains

Around the house, chairs are susceptible to all manners of accidents. Accidental spills from beer, chocolate, coffee and even food are common. In a house with little children spills expand to vomit and even bathroom malfunctions. All these accumulate to make your favourite chair an unbearable eyesore.

For most people, their first reaction is usually to throw out the seat, and get a new one. It becomes harder, when it is your favourite chair. This is where furniture upholstery services come to the rescue. The fabric of the chair is removed, and replaced with a replica, of the same quality. They also swap out any stained padding underneath, giving a new lease of life to your chair.

Other damage

Sometimes, your favourite chair might be the victim of a household accident. Tears or rips in the fabric or leather on the seat might occur, especially if you during a gathering at your house. They could be caused by a variety of things, from a clothing accessory, to a common household utensil for example a knife. Other times, your chair could suffer near catastrophic damage, especially to the fabric or frame. This could happen during a move.

Re-upholstering the chair fixes this problem. Not only can an expert re-upholsterer fix your fabric, they can also replace the frame and reinforce it to prevent further damage.

Maybe it is just time for a change

Change is the only complete constant in the world. Sometimes, you might like your chair, but you have seen it in the same shade of blue since the nineties. Other times, it could be because the chair is just not as good as it used to be. It could have become uncomfortable, with sagging supports. The cushions could also need replacing, because they might have become lumpy. Even with these shortcomings, this will still be your favourite chair.

In such an instance, you the seat needs to be a change in upholstery. An expert will give you a wide range of new colours to choose from, to turn your chair from that boring colour and give it a vibrant new look. They will also give your cushions a make-over, changing the filling and foam. Some might actually give you some throw pillows as part of their customer service.